By Nomination
- 20 years standing of AIOS memberships
- 20 years experience after PG in Ophthalmology
- To topmost professionals based on their contribution to development of the subspecialty nationally and internationally
- No fellowship fee is required
- Maximum 2 fellowships per year will be awarded
No CV is required for this. The Board, on its own, will make the selection and after selection the Member nominated by the Board will be requested to send his/ her CV for record.
By Selection
- 20 years standing of AIOS membership
- 20 years experience after PG in Ophthalmology
- On the basis of contribution to Subspecialty/ Education/Research/Community Work
- Based on evaluation of CV
- Maximum 5 Fellowships will be given each year
Apply on prescribed form on (on or before 31st December 2023)